Terms of Use
By using this site and the services offered within these web pages, you are legally and morally agreeing to the following:
You are courteous and aged 18 or over, with an open heart and an open mind. Anyone under 18 must have an adult present.
All services are subject to availability, offered for purposes of guidance and assistance.
Sarka Tomsu is not to be held responsible or liable for the misuse of any services offered herein, and reserves the right to refuse or end services at any time.
You are solely responsible for your own self, life-path and the fulfilment of your life’s purpose. The accuracy or effectiveness of any services cannot be guaranteed.
You have the ability to alter your own reality and future.
Services and products are not intended or recommended as a substitute for any legal, medical, psychiatric or other orthodox types of professional assistance.
There is an administration charge for all sessions cancelled within 24 hours of the appointment time.
If you should phone late or arrive late, the time may be deducted from your appointment as there is a schedule and other people to consider, and refunds cannot be made.
Sarka Tomsu is unable to answer questions outside of a consultation.
You must secure an appointment/class time and then make the payment. Appointments and Classes will be fully confirmed after full payment.
This website has thoughts and opinions expressed by clients and the founder of Theta Healing. You are always encouraged to seek professional medical advice if you suffer from any medical illness. Our sessions and classes do not replace or negate medical opinions given to you by a professional doctor.
Every article, blog, image and writings on this website are copyrighted and may not be reproduced electronically or otherwise in any form without the express written permission of the owners.
All courses and classes must be paid in full before the date. Payments are non-refundable.
No alcohol or drugs of any kind before sessions. Clients showing up inebriated, sessions will be cancelled with no refunds.
The conduct with the purpose or effect of either violating the therapist dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them, will be reported accordingly.
Sessions Cancellation Policy
If a cancellation is necessary, 24 hour prior notice is required. A fee will be subtracted for your cancelled appointment. Payment in full is required for any missed appointments without this cancellation notification. You will be billed for your missed appointment.